Our Team Is Growing and We Need Your Help

There is an open position on our listing team right now. We need your help to find the right candidate.

Contact us at 907-240-2804

The Dar Walden Team is growing, and I’m reaching out to you today with an opportunity that might interest you or someone you know. Maybe you can help us out.
If you know of anyone, reach out to us!
We have an open position on our listing team that we want to fill with somebody who is motivated, driven, and enjoys working with other people. This position has a guaranteed base salary of $75,000 and doesn’t require previous experience. If you or somebody you know has experience, we would certainly be happy to hear from you as well.

If you know of anyone, have them give us a call or send us an email today and we’d be happy to have a chat with them. We want to fill this position quickly, so spread the word. We appreciate your help!